Installations, Still and Moving images
October 18-22, 2023

The artist and filmmaker Rosa Barba, international figure of contemporary art, is the guest of honor at this second edition of Offscreen. On a dedicated stage in the Grand Garage Haussmann, she will present “Inside the Outset: Evoking a Space of Passage” 2021, a two-part project produced with Point Centre for Contemporary Art: a film and an open-air cinema installation in the 180-kilometer “Green Line buffer zone” controlled by the United Nations in Cyprus.

Rosa Barba
Inside the Outset: Evoking a Space of Passage, 2021
Open-air cinema installation
Photos: Marios Stylianou © Rosa Barba

Rosa Barba
Inside the Outset: Evoking a Space of Passage, 2021
Open-air cinema installation
Photos: Marios Stylianou © Rosa Barba

Rosa Barba
Inside the Outset: Evoking a Space of Passage, 2021
Open-air cinema installation
Photos: Marios Stylianou © Rosa Barba

Rosa Barba is an Italian artist and filmmaker, living in Berlin. She explores cinema as both a medium and art object, and creates installations and site-specific interventions to analyse the ways space is articulated and reflected by Time, placing the work and the viewer in a new relationship. Her films often focus on natural landscapes and man’s interventions in the environment. They probe the relationship between historical archives, personal anecdotes and cinematic representation, creating spaces of memory and uncertainty, more legible as reassuring myths than the unstable reality they represent. Her work has been exhibited at prestigious institutions and biennials around the world including: Tate Modern, London (2023); Centre Pompidou, Paris (2023); Villa Medici, Rome (2022); Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin (2021).