Installations, Still and Moving images
October 18-22, 2023

OFFTRACKS is a direct invitation to 3 artists to come and present their works at OFFSCREEN, in the spotlight of a renowned curator.

Antony Cairns by Simon Baker

Antony Cairns is presented by Simon Baker, director of the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, which recently exhibited and acquired one of his video works.

For OFFSCREEN, Antony Cairns presents works from the Computer Punch Card series. Using vintage IBM cards, originally used to create computer programs, Antony Cairns constructs large-scale puzzle-like compositions that reveal an image from this archive of abstract photography.

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Katja Stuke by Florian Ebner

Katja Stuke is presented by Florian Ebner, Director of Photography at the Centre Pompidou, who has supported the artist’s work for many years.

For OFFSCREEN, Katja Stuke presents various portraits photographed between 2000 and 2020, from the Supernatural series, whose highly ambivalent title refers both to the faces photographed and to the photographs themselves. Through this series, the artist works on the tension captured by the photo, whether it’s the tension before the pistol shot in this portrait of a woman whose extremely colorful outfit fades into the background, or the tension that lies before an athlete’s jump. This tension, directly linked to an action in progress and the central object of Katja Stuke’s portraits, initiates a process that can no longer be reversed.

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Arina Essipowitsch by Marta Ponsa

Arina Essipowitsch is presented by Marta Ponsa, in charge of artistic projects and cultural action at the Jeu de Paume.

Presented at OFFSCREEN, Fold consists of a double-sided photographic print worked by a series of incisions and folds to create an image in perpetual recomposition. The visitor is invited to manipulate the work to discover the almost infinite interplay of (re)compositions. The photograph itself steps out of its frame, becoming a fold in time, a moment of passage always to be reinvented.

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